
This blog started out as a school assignment, early 2024. I was given a list of people to choose from to write a blog on. At first, I was uninspired as I read thru the list of choices. At the same time I was having conversations almost daily with my good friend, a soon to be rabbi, about the fact that in 2024 we in America are banning books, art, plays, music, and overall that a general lack of awareness or appreciation around art was becoming the norm.

I found this disturbing at a deep, soul level. After all, art is and has always been the last place the oppressed have to express themselves. Once a community starts becoming apathetic towards the oppression of the artists we lose our humanity. Standing up against injustice for humanity is a deep core value of mine.

Suddenly I’m reading about Nadine Gordimer. As you will see from my blog post/pages on her she also stood up against injustice for humanity. This was the person I needed to open the inspiration for what this blog will become.

I myself have always been a creative. I am a dancer by trade and a theatre producer. I recently started a company that runs dance and theatre, especially focused on children’s theatre-with a black box theatre attached. I have 8 children-some I made and some have come along on their own choice. I am an ambidextrous Book Dragon, an anthophile, a Lover to my AMAZING Husband, and a knitter. (No, I cannot crochet.) I run a company. I am a sister, a friend, and I will be the one you call when mischief is afoot. Now I also blog to help humanity be aware of the artists fighting for Truth and Beauty. 🙂 Enjoy.